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I guide conscious career seekers go from feeling stuck, uncertain, and overwhelmed in a role they don’t love, to confidently carving a new, exciting (and financially rewarding) career map that is an expression of their best life.

CareerByDesign Immersive

For conscious career seekers who are ready to gain clarity about their career path, a deeper understanding of themselves and expand their mindset so they can start making brave moves towards their best-fit career. 


During the 3-month immersive you will go from feeling stuck, uncertain, and overwhelmed in a role you don’t really love, to confidently carving a new, exciting (and financially rewarding) career blueprint that is an expression of your best life.


CareerByDesign Intensive

A 90-minute session where we begin to pave the way for your unique path! 

You'll walk away with more clarity on how to use your Human Design in your career, a better understanding of your innate gifts, and a brave next-step to help you step towards your best-fit career.

You’ll gain new perspectives on how to grow in your current role so it feels fulfilling and exciting OR some new ideas on what roles you should go for next!


Company Collaborations

For innovative leaders who are looking to create a purpose-driven, highly engaged and performing team. 


Human Design is your roadmap  of their individual innate talents & decision making style, team dynamics and  strengths, and how to lead them towards their full potential and achieve your team goals.

I offer team workshops or 1:1 coaching


"I had no previous experience of Human Design readings, and didn't know if it would resonate with me. EVERY point had me sitting back in my chair, baffled and EXCITED! Caroline intuitevly and with vast knowledge taught me things about myself that I on some level knew - but never understood or was able to interlase with my experience living. I feel like I'm only just now taking my first steps with a profoundly more deep connection to my souls purpose."

Maria, Generator

CareerByDesign Intensive

  • Price: 1.295 DKK

  • 90 minute online session

  • Audio & video recording of session

  • A week of Q&A support

What is it?

A 90-minute session where we begin to pave the way for your unique path! 

You'll walk away with more clarity on how to use your Human Design in your career, a better understanding of your innate gifts, and a brave next-step to help you step towards your best-fit career.

You’ll gain new perspectives on how to grow in your current role so it feels fulfilling and exciting OR some new ideas on what roles you should go for next!


All calls take place on zoom, and afterwards you will receive an audio & video recording of our call.


In the week after our session, you are welcome to ask any questions or share reflections that may come up.

Career Alignment Immersive

  • Price: 2.399 DKK per month for 3 months*

  • 6 online coaching sessions

  • Audio & video recording of sessions

  • Workbooks & reflections between sessions

  • Unlimited support (Voxxer) 

*This is a three month program, where you commit to the full four months. 

What is it?

​During the 3-month immersive you will go from feeling stuck, uncertain, and overwhelmed in a role you don’t really love, to confidently carving a new, exciting (and financially rewarding) career blueprint that is an expression of your best life.

Through the combination of Human Design, Coaching and HR I help you reconnect with your core self and understand your unique brilliance. You gain clarity on your path and talents, how to communicate it to others and how to start trusting your inner guidance​ so you can take brave, aligned action that leads you to your best-fit career. 

You will: 

- Gain a deep understanding of your unique Human Design

- Understand how you're wired to work and how to use your full potential

- Work through limiting beliefs and confusion

- Learn how to take leadership in your career

- Learn how to integrate and live your Human Design, so you can live a life with ease and fulfilment. 

Who is it for?

For conscious career seekers who are ready to gain clarity about their career path, a deeper understanding of themselves and expand their mindset so they can start making brave moves towards their best-fit career. 

Unsure if it's for you?

I offer a free 30 minute discovery call to anyone considering the immersive, to help you feel if it's right for you. 

CareerByDesign in Teams

  • Tailor-made workshops for your team, your leadership group or project group 

  • 1-1 Coaching sessions

  • 1-1 Leadership training 

What is it?

For innovative leaders who are looking to create a purpose-driven, highly engaged and performing team. 

Human Design is your roadmap  of their individual innate talents & decision making style, team dynamics and  strengths, and how to lead them towards their full potential and achieve your team goals.


  • -Team workshops focused on collaboration & communication

  • Leadership training focused on understanding yourself and how to lead your team

  •  Purpose sessions where we connect your individual purpose to the company purpose to achieve higher engagement and better results.


I create a solution that fits your specific needs.

We'll set up a call where we discuss your needs and I introduce you to my framework CareerByDesign, and how Human Design can be used in a corporate setting.

After the call I'll put together an offer based on your specific needs.

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